The European Conrgess of Radiology took place from March 2-6, 2016 with more than 20,000 particiapnts from around the world, and served as a debut event for the recently launched HYPMED project.
The congress newspaper ECR Today, featured an in-depth article about the project and its aim to create a game-changing new hybrid PET/MRI system. With a potential readership of about 20,000, the article was served as a strong intial dissemination activity that reached out to key end-users of the system as well as other reserachers in the field and industry figures. You can download and read the article here.
A project fact sheet was also distributed at the congress, which provides key information and facts about the project's aima nd objectives. To download a copy of the fact sheet click here.
The project's Scientific coordinator Prof. Christiane Kuhl took part in a special session organised by EIBIR to give attendess an insight into the top-scoring HYPMED proposal. To watch the session* click here.
*please note that the session is free but requires registration