European Institute for Biomedical Imaging Research (EIBIR)

The European Institute for Biomedical Imaging Research (EIBIR) was established in 2006 as a non-profit limited liability company dedicated to the co-ordination of biomedical imaging research in Europe. EIBIR has its head office Vienna, at the headquarters of the European Society of Radiology (ESR), which is the main shareholder of EIBIR.

EIBIR currently has over 280 member institutions, two thirds of which are made up by clinical departments and one third by basic sciencel aboratories. The network has the mission to strengthen biomedical imaging research throughout Europe by bringing international research expertise together. The platform supports networking activities in research and is key to spreading good practice, promoting common initiatives and interoperability in the field of biomedical imaging research. This will generate critical mass and help coordinate research into new instrumentation, new methods, concepts and technologies. EIBIR is a multidisciplinary organisation providing an umbrella for all disciplines related to biomedical imaging and curently has 11 additional shareholder organisations.

Key Staff

Monika Hierath

Monika Hierath is executive manager at EIBIR with over ten years experience in preparing and managing research projects. She leads work package 5 and 6 (in charge dissemination and project management) and serves as project coordinator.

Medical University of Vienna

The Medical University of Vienna is the leading academic medical research institution in Austria. The General hospital Vienna hosts the university hospitals including oncology, surgery, gynecology and radiology departments. At the general hospital more than 1,000 breast cancer patients are diagnosed and treated each year.

Key Staff

Thomas Helbich

Thomas Helbich, MD, MSc, MBA, has 16 years of experience in the biomedical application of imaging tools (particulary MRI). His research interest is clinical andexperimental investigations on a cellular and sub-cellular level to diagnose breast cancer non-invasively. He is Professor of Radiology and Vice-Chairman of the Department of Radiology. He is also an internationally renowned expert in breast Imaging and a former president of the European Society of Breast Imaging.

Katja Pinker

Katja Pinker, MD, is a clinical expert in breast imaging and breast cancer screening. She is principle investigator of several grants assessing the impact of high field and ultra-high field multiparametric MRI of the breast as well as hybrid techniques (PET-MRI) on breast cancer diagnosis and therapy monitoring.